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Ascophyllum Nodosum Extract

(Latin name: Ascophyllum Nodosum (Fucales) - Other name: Black goemon

This brown algae is found on EUROPEAN ROCKY COASTS. It is a large algae from one of the Fucales order. In the past, women living on the Britany coast rinsed their hair with Ascophyllum nodosum decoctions.

Their hair became supple and shiny thanks to Ascophyllum sheathing and revitalizing properties.

• The fucoidans (sulphated polysaccharides) helps veins return.This property is interesting for casesof blotches and swelling legs symptoms.

• Polyphenols are natural antioxidants.They scavenge free radicals through a double mechanism bydirect activity and by chelation of some heavy metallic ions that are themselves catalyzers in theformation of free radicals.

• The β-carotene or pro-vitamin A is essential for the tissue regeneration and for micro-circulationprotection. It also possesses anti-radicalar properties that act in synergy with polyphenols.

• The alginates (uronic polysaccharides) have sheathing and moisturizing properties for hair.