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Save your skin: How you shower matters more than when, dermatologists say

For as long as Jay Maharath can remember, he’s showered at night — a habit instilled in him at a young age by his Asian parents, who didn’t want traces of the outdoors dirtying up their home. Though always having to wash at the end of the day was bothersome when he was a child, […]

Save your skin: How you shower matters more than when, dermatologists say

For as long as Jay Maharath can remember, he’s showered at night — a habit instilled in him at a young age by his Asian parents, who didn’t want traces of the outdoors dirtying up their home. Though always having to wash at the end of the day was bothersome when he was a child, […]

Save your skin: How you shower matters more than when, dermatologists say

For as long as Jay Maharath can remember, he’s showered at night — a habit instilled in him at a young age by his Asian parents, who didn’t want traces of the outdoors dirtying up their home. Though always having to wash at the end of the day was bothersome when he was a child, […]